Sunday, August 8, 2010

Goodbye Poof Pillow

Yesterday we finally decided it was time to say Goodbye to our beloved Poof Pillow.  Many people called you a bean bag or love sac but you were our Poof Pillow. 

You had a long life.  First you lived with my grandparents in Idaho and I'm sure took a lot of beatings from my Dad and his brothers.  While in Arizona my cousins and I definitly got a lot of use out of you.  Poofing you up and then jumping off the couch into your fluffy hug.  You were even a comforter.  After I first kissed a boy I felt very guilty because I was not 16 yet and once safely back at grandma's house I burrowed down in the poof pillow to try and forget (It was an awful kiss too - slobbery - Yuck!)  Then when Brian and I got married we took ownership of you.  You traveled with us to Las Vegas and then Vermont and now Colorado. 

We loved to watch movies and take naps with you, but Bandit took an extra special liking to you.  He thought you were his personal dog bed.  As a puppy we would over exhaust Bandit and so he would pass out on you.  Bandit had a little bit of an incontinence problem, but we always cleaned you up.  Bandit loved to hop around on you like a bunny rabbit and roll on you after his baths.  

Over the years you started to loose your poof and sag which made it harder and harder to keep you clean.  I sewed up your many holes and vacuumed you over and over, but what you really needed was a protective cover which you never had.  We finally decided it was time to say goodbye - I couldn't keep you clean, you were too tired to stay poofed and cuddly and we needed to make extra space in our house.

(Look at the love on Bandit's Face - he missed you.)

Brian took you out to the apartment dumpster and about a half hour later we drove by to check on you and... YOU WERE GONE!  Someone still had plans for you.  Hope your new home loves you as much as we did.

~ Nicole

1 comment:

Laura said...

That's awesome someone took it. :) Maybe you should have tried to sell it. Who knows?