Thursday, October 14, 2010

I Guess Its My Turn!

Nicole has been urging (nagging) me to blog about something lately.  Usually I really enjoy blogging and always have something to write about, but I just haven't been in the blogging mood.  I am sure this will change as an upcoming addition is made to our family and there will be more to blog about.  

On this note, there are a few things that I am excited about with regards to preparations for Baby King.  Nicole and I do not own a home and we are no where close to being able to afford to own a home (thank you student loans), because of this we don't really have to many options when it comes to building a nursery for the baby.  We did move into a 2 bedroom apartment and have a room to dedicate as his.  Today we took a few more steps towards making it more 'nursery' like.  

Nicole has always been obsessed with squares, when we used to go to video rental stores she was always drawn to the video covers that had squares on them.  So of course with her obsession we would have a square Cubbyhole.  When we were registering for baby stuff at target we came across some cubbyhole baskets that looked really fun.  This week the cubbyhole setup went on sale at Target and we decided it had to be part of the nursery.  Just in case you can't tell, we are going for a Safari - Monkey theme.  I always say that King is going to be my little monkey!  And if you ask Nicole he is already acting like one.  

The room isn't even close to being finished yet; we still have to hang his name on the wall, finishing fixing the slider chair, and wait for him to be born.  Until then, this stuffed Monkey is going to hang out in Kings room!

A few weeks ago I made a video tour of our new apartment with the video camera that Nicole got me for my birthday.  I posted it to my YouTube account and linked it to my Facebook page, but I know not everyone that reads our blog has seen it.  


PS - A few months ago I posted a blog about a block of wood (, and then I updated on it (  Well I am almost officially done with the creation.  I had it roughly finished and had been using it for a month or so, but today I put some finished touches on it and it should be ready tomorrow and officially finished.  

1 comment:

Laura said...

How fun! Let the baby countdown begin!