Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blogging Blank or... just bored

We are having blogger's block...

I'm really bored with my day to day life lately.  Probably being that I can't do too much because I either get tired and have to lay down for a little bit or I get overly exhausted which causes me to get sick.  I'm seriously LAME this past month of pregnancy.  Working in events I have had times when I work long hours with only 2-4 hours of sleep a night for up to a week, I imagine this is what it may be like with a new baby, but on a more intense level because it doesn't end after a week.  But my life is boring me to death - I will take the sleep deprivation of a baby over this bordem.

We decided to take a little stroll through the mall the other day and while we were there I decided I wanted to get my hair trimmed.  The key word being "trimmed".  I told her I just wanted the split ends cut off and she asked me if about an inch sounded good.  I said yes.  Well, she cut it much shorter - up to my shoulders.  GRRR - hair grows back so it's not that big of a deal, but I just keep thinking about how annoyed I am.  She also asked me about my bangs and I said, just leave them alone, I cut them myself, well when all was done she had cut them really short as well.  I can't have bangs, I have curly hair.  Now I really do look like a "Medusa" as Brian says.  In their defense, I should really pay more attention when I'm getting my hair cut, when someone plays with my hair I get a little groggy/sleepy.  I guess I'm just upset because I'm getting bigger and short hair is just going to emphasis the bigness.

Maybe Brian will get a grand idea and blog next time.  I keep telling him that we all miss his blogs...

~ Nicole

1 comment:

Tyra said...

hahaha..maybe I should have brought my scizzors out and cut your hair when we were visiting...and i cant wait til baby king is here...Water World 2011 here we come.